How to use MitreForma Clamps

Insert glue-catcher in the rebate of the mitreForma™
Place mitreForma™ in position using the quickrelease rod, then screw until finger-tight
Place the fascia in position and ensure it is correctly aligned
Use the retaining arms to ensure fascia is held firmly against the back guide
Use the fascia clamping rods to press the fascia into place. DO NOT overtighten!
Check that all main clamping rods are firm and all the seams are correctly aligned
Excess glue can be easily removed once it is sufficiently firm
Once the glue has set, release the retaining arms
Unscrew the fascia clamping rods, then press the quick-release tab and retract the rod
Unscrew the main clamping rod, then press the quickrelease tab to lower and remove the mitreForma™