Seaming Stone and Quartz with Surface Bonder Xi

Seam Preparation

  1. Clean seam with Acetone or Alcohol to remove dust from the seam.
  2. Joint must be clean and dry.
  3. Apply masking tape on each side of the seam, back about 1/16 inch from the joint. (Build up 2 to 3 layers of tape).


  1. Attach mixing tip to cartridge and dispense.
  2. (Refer to individual cartridge instructions) Discard the first 5-10 ml to ensure Activator is present in mixture. Activator mixing with the adhesive causes the adhesive to form a soft gel. The gelled state and dull surface texture will help to indicate the presence of activator.
  3. Apply a bead to the surfaces to be bonded. Clamp the surfaces together making sure to leave some adhesive in the joint. A gap of 1 mm or more will provide improved impact strength and joint flexibility.
  4. After the joint is clamped together, wipe off excess adhesive with a razor blade or squeegee using the masking tape as a gauge to slightly over fill the seam. Work the adhesive back and forth over the masking tape to make sure that the joint and any chips are filled. Remove tape as soon as possible.
  5. The open time for the adhesive is approximately 10 to 15 minutes at normal room temperature. After the bead has cured (approx 30+ minutes) it can be trimmed with a razor blade. This flexible formula can even be trimmed after it is fully cured. Trimming the joint before it has cured will increase the effect of shrinkage in the joint and leave the seam lower than the surrounding surface.
  6. Trim with a sharp razor blade held at a low angle to the surface. Keep the blade almost flat to the surface and trim across the seam at a 45 to 60 degree angle. (Trimming straight along the length of the seam will stretch the adhesive out of the seam as it is cut causing an indentation).
  7. When the adhesive is trimmed, there will be a slight whitening of dark color adhesives. This is treated by application of a polishing compound or by wiping with Integra Seam Polish. Wipe the joint with the polish to enhance the color and smooth the surface.
Polish is most effective during the first hour after the adhesive cures. Over polishing can remove excessive amounts of adhesive from the joint. To prevent residue from the polish making food contact, surfaces should be cleaned with household cleaner prior to use. Always wear chemical resistant gloves and eye protection when working with adhesives or polish. Always wear disposable gloves and eye protection when working with adhesives or polishing compounds.